It’s a brilliant system. They were completely on time and I was out within 20 minutes.
As long as you injure yourself during the day it’s worth going that route. I found 111 very pleasant too. The only other time I’ve used it was when Dad died. I was told to ring his GP if he died during the working day, or 111 if outside. A very nice doctor rang me back & they arranged for a paramedic to come to certify etc. That took 3 hours though. Three very long, lonely hours, mostly spent drinking tea and listening to loud metal music.

Ours is at local hospitals and they are GP or 111 referrals by appointment only. Some places are walk-in centres, but I don’t know if we have any. My local hospital in London did, I think.

Just sliced the side of my finger with a rotary cutter. The dog barked, I jumped, the cutter with me and instead of slicing the paper it went across my index finger.

This was around 11.50am. Still bleeding, so I have an appointment at minor injuries at 2.30pm. Let’s hope the damage isn’t too bad. I’ll spare you the photo I took.

Like the old joke about Clapham in London. When it was up-and-coming & all the Yuppies started moving there, somebody renamed it “Clahm”.