@variablepulserate 🙄 😂
Well, as I got off the organ this morning, to go up for communion, I caught my foot in a carrier bag that had been left on the floor beside the organ ("out of the way" apparently - of everyone except the organist). I stumbled a bit, but thought no more of it. By early afternoon, however, my back was a bit sore, so I rested with a hot water bottle.
Let's just say that, after a further 70 minutes of near-constant playing this evening, the muscles down the right side of my back have gone into spasm. Pretty sure it's just muscular, but I could do without the pain. 🥴
@variablepulserate Ooh, nice!
I got some prints on paper for a reasonable price. Hadn’t considered the box prints.
@variablepulserate What’s your budget like? In my bedroom I have my most expensive piece of art, a print of a painting by Henderson Cisz. With the frame it’s pretty large, but around £350.
I do scout Whitewall Galleries and Clarendon Fine Art websites pretty regularly. One of my friends has an original by Philip Gray. Massive and beautiful, but cost her about £5K. Another friend has a number of originals/prints by John Waterhouse - we both love his art.
They have all sorts of art & I don’t like a lot of it, I’ll admit.
@variablepulserate Oh art is so subjective. My collection is very much "I like it" or "I did it". Plenty of my embroideries and watercoloura dotted around. In the living room my purchased art is pretty Yorkshire-related. I have several prints of Robert E Fuller's (Thixendale) paintings andJohn Freeman's (Whitby) Nocturnes series. .
@variablepulserate I really don't like it at all - try to avoid it wherever possible. I like a bit of escapism as my entertainment.
@variablepulserate Cold, too, down here. Horrid weather, though we have had some blue skies.
@variablepulserate Knowing my luck I’d pick the card where the person doing the picking-up has been murdered and replaced by an evil serial killer. 😇
@matigo All kinds of places - any busy resort in the summer, especially if one that’s a bit out of the way. Ambulances seem to spend most of their time waiting outside hospitals to hand ovee their emergency patients. The UK is generally in a right old state, and the health service is particularly bad. Huge backlogs for any kind of treatments - but then they did spend a large chunk of teo years not doing regular work, plus people found it almost impossible to see their GP even, as they locked themselves away pretty much. Because apparently it became too risky to see ill people. 🙄
// @variablepulserate
@sumudu Yeah. Well a paramedic advanced practitioner at a local minor injuries unit. He checked out movement and sensation, no damage there. Hopefully it’ll heal ok, but I expect it might take a while. Quite a big cut.